Dr Freckelton is a Board Member of the The Expertise Center for Forensic Psychiatry which was established by the Dutch Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Health, and high security Forensic Psychiatric Hospitals in 2002.

EFP’s mission is to support the forensic mental health field in improving the quality of service delivery. Its major tasks are facilitation of national and international research projects, development of care programs and management of databases related to forensic mental health patients.

EFP serves the whole forensic mental health field, consisting of forensic psychiatric hospitals, forensic wards in general psychiatric hospitals, as well as psychiatric wards in correctional facilities. EFP´s quality enhancement efforts are directed at the content, effectiveness and duration of treatment. EFP secures high quality by bringing together experts and treatment staff from the various forensic psychiatric hospitals and detention centers, stimulating knowledge exchange and initiating and facilitating relevant research studies.

Information of the EFP can be found at: