I Freckelton, “Court Systems: Legal Precedent and Case Law” in J Payne-James R Byard, Encyclopaedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine (3rd edn, Routledge, 2024)
I Freckelton, Commentary on Survey” in ExpertsDirect, 2024 Experts Survey (ExpertsDirect, 2024)
I Freckelton, “Human Rights; Controls and Principles” in J Payne-James R Byard, Encyclopaedia of Forensic and Legal Medicine (3rd edn, Routledge, 2024)
I Freckelton, “Guarding the Gait: Forensic Gait Analysis Evidence” in I Freckelton (ed), Forensic Analysis (Intech Open, 2021): https//:doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.99491
I Freckelton, “Impediments to Reporting” in L Stone (ed), International Responses to Sexual Abuse of Doctors by Doctors (Routledge, 2025, forthcoming)
I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence about Autism Spectrum Disorder” in F Volkmar, R Loftin, A Westphal and M Woodbury-Smith (ed), Handbook of Autism and the Law (Springer, 2021, in press)
I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence” in A Kapardis, Psychology and Law, 5th edn, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2013.
I Freckelton, “Brain Injuries and Coercive Care” in B McSherry and I Freckelton (ed), Coercive Care and the Law, Routledge, London, 2013.
I Freckelton and M Malsch, “The Evaluation of Evidence: Differences between Legal Systems” in H Kaptein, H Prakken and B Verheij, Legal Evidence and Proof: Statistics, Stories, Logic, Ashgate, Surrey, 2009
I Freckelton, “Psychiatrists as Experts” in W Brookbanks and A Simpson (ed), Psychiatry and the Law, Lexis Nexis, Auckland, 2007
I Freckelton, “Doctors as Experts” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Disputes and Dilemmas in Health Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 2006
I Freckelton and H Selby, “Expert Evidence” in M Coker, G Williams and T Blackshield, Oxford Companion to the High Court, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 2001
I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence Law Reform: An Australian Perspective” in CM Breur et al, New Trends in Criminal Investigation and Evidence, Intersentia, Antwerp, 2001
I Freckelton, “Monitoring Error in Forensic Science: Lessons to be Learned from the Reviews of the FBI Laboratory” in CM Breur et al, New Trends in Criminal Investigation and Evidence, Intersentia, Antwerp, 2001
I Freckelton, “The Syndrome Evidence Phenomenon: Time to Move On?” in R Roesch, RR Corrado and RJ Dempster (ed), Psychology in the Courts: International Advances in Knowledge, Harwood Academic, Amsterdam, 2001.
I Freckelton, “The Institutionalisation of Forensic Expertise” in H Nijboer, Harmonisation in Forensic Science, Amsterdam, 2000.
I Freckelton, “Error in Forensic Science” in H Nijboer, Harmonisation in Forensic Science, Amsterdam, 2000.
I Freckelton,”The Medical Expert” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Current Controversies in Health Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 1999.
I Freckelton,”Junk Psychiatry, Psychology and Science” in H Selby (ed), Tomorrow’s Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 1995.
I Freckelton,”Expert Proof in the Coroner’s Jurisdiction” in H Selby (ed), The Aftermath of Death (1992), Federation Press, Sydney.
I Freckelton,”DNA Profiling: A Legal Perspective” in A Ross (ed), DNA Technology, Ellis Horwood, New York, 1990.
I Freckelton, “Medical Law and Disability” in Heloise Robinson , Jonas-Sebastien Beaudry and Jonathan Herring (ed), Philosophical Foundations of Disability Law (Oxford University Press, 2024)
I Freckelton, “Landmark Public Health Law Reforms in Australia: Plain Tobacco Packaging and Banning of Engineered Stone” in Legitimate Scrutiny (2025, forthcoming)
J Taylor and I Freckelton, “Interventions for Offenders with Intellectual Disabilities” in GM Davies, AR Beech and MF Colloff (ed) Forensic Psychology: Crime Justice, Law, Interventions (4th edn, Wiley Blackwell, 2024), pp627-657:
I Freckelton, “Chemical Restraint” in K Wilson et al (ed), The Future of Mental Health, Disability and Criminal Law (Routledge, 2023), pp88-113: https://www.taylorfrancis.com/books/edit/10.4324/9781003350644/future-mental-health-disability-criminal-law-kay-wilson-piers-gooding-jamie-walvisch-yvette-maker
B Bennett and I Freckelton, “Procedural Rights and Access to Justice in an Emergency” in MJ Costa, Elgar Encyclopaedia of Crime and Criminal Justice (Elgar, 2022)
P Weller and I Freckelton, “Mental Health Law” in B Bennett and I Freckelton (ed), Public Health Law in Australia (4th edn, Federation Press, 2023)
L Bugeja, I Freckelton and D Ranson, “Coroners as Public Health Officials” in B Bennett and I Freckelton (ed), Public Health Law in Australia (Federation Press, 2023)
G Wolf and I Freckelton, “Australia’s Vaccination Laws” in B Bennett and I Freckelton (ed), Public Health Law in Australia (Federation Press, 2023)
I Freckelton, “Consumer Protection Law” in B Bennett and I Freckelton (ed), Public Health Law in Australia (Federation Press, 2023)
B Bennett and I Freckelton, “The Expanding Scope of Public Health Law” in B Bennett and I Freckelton (ed), Public Health Law in Australia (Federation Press, 2023)
B Bennett and I Freckelton, “Rights and Powers During Public Health Emergencies” in B Bennett and I Freckelton (ed), Pandemics, Public Health Emergencies and Government Powers: Perspectives on Australian Law (Federation Press, 2021), pp2-18
I Freckelton, “Human Rights Law” in J Payne-James and R Byard (ed), Forensic and Legal Medicine: Clinical and Pathological Aspects (2023)
N Stobbs and I Freckelton, “The Administration of Justice During Public Health Emergencies” in B Bennett and I Freckelton (ed), Pandemics, Public Health Emergencies and Government Powers: Perspectives on Australian Law (Federation Press, 2021), pp239-257
M Otlowski and I Freckelton, “Health Research and COVID-19” in B Bennett and I Freckelton (ed), Pandemics, Public Health Emergencies and Government Powers: Perspectives on Australian Law (Federation Press, 2021), pp330-352
P Stephenson, I Freckelton and B Bennett, “Public Health Emergencies in Australia”in B Bennett and I Freckelton (ed), Pandemics, Public Health Emergencies and Government Powers: Perspectives on Australian Law (Federation Press, 2021), pp69-89
I Freckelton, “Government Inquiries, Investigations and Reports During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Lessons for the Future” in B Bennett and I Freckelton (ed), Pandemics, Public Health Emergencies and Government Powers: Perspectives on Australian Law (Federation Press, 2021)
J Taylor and I Freckelton,”Offenders with Intellectual Disability” in Jennifer Brown and Miranda Horvath (ed), The Cambridge Handbook of Forensic Psychology (Cambridge, 2021), pp418-441
I Freckelton, “Medical Liability in Papua New Guinea” in V Raposo and R Beran (ed), Medical Liability in Asia and the South Pacific (Springer, 2021), pp195-205
I Freckelton, “Medical Liability in Fiji” in V Raposo and R Beran (ed), Medical Liability in Asia and the South Pacific (Springer, 2021), pp27-40
I Freckelton, “End of Life Issues in Australia” in C Foster, J Herring, C O’Neill, M Shimwell and J Tingle (ed), Routledge Handbook of Global Health Rights (Routledge, 2021), pp348-366.
I Freckelton, “Insanity under Australian Criminal Law” in R Mackay and W Brookbanks, Insanity: International and Comparative Perspectives (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021, in press)
I Freckelton and M Karagiannakis, “Insanity under International Criminal Law” in R Mackay and W Brookbanks, Insanity: International and Comparative Perspectives (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2021, in press)
I Freckelton, “Informed Consent in Australia” in N Glover-Thomas and T Vansweevelt (ed), Informed Consent and Health: A Comparative Analysis (Edward Elgar, 2020).
W Brookbanks and I Freckelton, “Legal Issues in Offenders with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities” in Bill Lindsay and John Taylor (ed), The Wiley Handbook on Offenders with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Research, Training and Practice (Wiley, London 2018), ch 4: https://www.amazon.com/Handbook-Offenders-Intellectual-Developmental-Disabilities/dp/1118753100 .
I Freckelton, “Fitness to Stand Trial under Australian Law” in R Mackay and W Brookbanks (ed), Fitness to Plead: International and Comparative Perspectives (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018) pp153-174: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/fitness-to-plead-9780198788478?cc=au&lang=en&
I Freckelton and M Karagiannakis, “Fitness to Stand Trial under International Criminal Law” in R Mackay and W Brookbanks (ed), Fitness to Plead: International and Comparative Perspectives (Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2018), pp273-298: https://global.oup.com/academic/product/fitness-to-plead-9780198788478?cc=au&lang=en&
I Freckelton, “Mental Health Defences” in R Kocsis (ed) Applied Criminal Psychology, 2nd edn (CC Thomas, 2018), pp95-124
I Freckelton, “Death Investigation and Therapeutic Jurisprudence” in N Stobbs, M Vols & L Bartels (ed) Method and Practice in Therapeutic Jurisprudence (Carolina University Press, 2019)
I Freckelton, “The Legal Regulation of the Consequences of Aging” in K Collins and R Byard (ed) Geriatric Forensic Medicine (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2020), pp628-640)
I Freckelton, “Minors’ Refusal of Life-Saving Treatment” in Claire Spivakovsky, Kate Seear and Adrian Carter (ed) Critical Perspectives on Coercive Interventions: Law, Medicine and Society (Routledge, London, 2018), ch 4.
I Freckelton and K Petersen, “Tensions and Traumas in Health Law” in in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Tensions and Traumas in Health Law (Federation Press, Sydney, 2017)
I Freckelton and W Brookbanks, “Mental Health Law” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Tensions and Traumas in Health Law (Federation Press, Sydney, 2017)
I Freckelton, “The Forensic Role of Health Practitioners” in in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Tensions and Traumas in Health Law (Federation Press, Sydney, 2017)
I Freckelton, “Health Tourism” in in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Tensions and Traumas in Health Law (Federation Press, Sydney, 2017)
I Freckelton and S McGregor, “Refusal of Treatment for Minors” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Tensions and Traumas in Health Law (Federation Press, Sydney, 2017).
I Freckelton and D Ranson, “Coronial Law” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Tensions and Traumas in Health Law (Federation Press, Sydney, 2017).
I Freckelton, “Research Fraud: The Temptation to Lie” in J Watson (ed) The Conversation Yearbook, 2016 (Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 2016).
I Freckelton, “Huntington’s Disease and the Law” in Kevin Guillory and Alex M Carrasco (ed), Huntington’s Disease: Symptoms, Risk Factors and Prognosis (2013) Nova Science, New York.
I Freckelton, “Forensic Issues in Autism Spectrum Disorder: Learning from Court Decisions” in M Fitzgerald (ed) Recent Advances in Autism Spectrum Disorders: Vol II (Intech Press, Zagreb, 2012), pp157-174 (ISBN 978-953-51-1022-4).
I Freckelton, “The Doctor’s Obligations of Privacy and Confidentiality” in R Beran (ed), Legal and Forensic Medicine (Springer, 2013).
I Freckelton, “Evidence-Based Medicine and the Law” in R Beran (ed), Legal and Forensic Medicine (Springer, 2013).
I Freckelton, “The Preventive Detention of Insanity Acquitees: A Case Study from Victoria” in B McSherry and P Keyzer (ed), Dangerous People: Policy, Prediction and Practice, Elsevier, London, 2011 [ISBN 0415884950, 9780415884952]
I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence and Healthcare Professionals” in J Gall and J Payne-James(ed), Current Practice in Forensic Medicine (Wiley-BlackwellOxford, 2011) [ISBN 978 – 0 -470-9735 -8].
I Freckelton, “Whiplash and the Law” in M Sterling and J Kenardy (ed), Whiplash: Evidence Base for Clinical Practice (Churchill Livingstone/Elsevier, Sydney, 2011) [ISBN 9780729539463]
I Freckelton, “Autism Spectrum Disorders and the Criminal Law” in M-R Mohammadi (ed), A Comprehensive Book on Autism Spectrum Disorders (Intech Press, Zagreb, 2011) [ISBN 978-953-307-494-8]
I Freckelton, “Mental Health Law in Australia” in B White, F McDonald and L Willmott (ed), Health Law in Australia (Thomson Reuters, 2010) [ISBN 9780455226798]
I Freckelton, “Extra-legislative Factors in Involuntary Status Decision-Making” in B McSherry and P Weller (ed), Rethinking Rights-Based Mental Health Laws, Hart Publications, Oxford, 2010
I Freckelton, “PTSD” in I Karpin, T Carney and B Bennett, The Brave New World of Health, Federation Press, Sydney, 2008.
M Malsch and Freckelton“Expert Bias and Partisanship: A Comparison between Australia and the Netherlands” in R Roesch and N Gagbon (ed): Psychology and Law, Criminal and Civil Perspectives, Ashgate, Hampshire, 2008.
I Freckelton, “Doctors’ Report Cards: Legal Issues” in J Oakley, Doctors’ Report Cards, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007
I Freckelton, “Legal Issues in Criminal Profiling” in D Canter (ed), Criminal Profiling, Kluwer 2008
K Diesfeld and I Freckelton, “Mental Health Law and Therapeutic Jurisprudence” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Disputes and Dilemmas in Health Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 2006.
I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Disputes and Dilemmas in Health Law: An Overview” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Disputes and Dilemmas in Health Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 2006.
I Freckelton, “Institutional Death” in K Johnson and R Traustadottir, In and Out of Institutions: Deinstitutionalisation and People with Intellectual Disabilities, Jessica Kingsley, London, 2005
I Freckelton, “An Historical Perspective on Involuntary Decision-Making” in K Diesfeld and I Freckelton (ed), Involuntary Detention: International Perspectives, Dartmouth, Ashgate, 2003
I Freckelton, “Perspectives on Review Tribunal Decision-Making” in K Diesfeld and I Freckelton (ed), Involuntary Detention: International Perspectives, Dartmouth, Ashgate, 2003
I Freckelton, “Issues in Proof of Causation” in I Freckelton and D Mendelson (ed), Causation in Law and Medicine, Ashgate, Dartmouth, 2002
I Freckelton, “Psychopathy and the Law” in E Blaauw (ed), Psychopathy, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002
I Freckelton, “Criteria for Involuntary Detention” in K Diesfeld and I Freckelton (ed), Involuntary Detention and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: International Perspectives, Dartmouth, Ashgate, 2002
I Freckelton, “The Governor’s Pleasure and Beyond” in K Diesfeld and I Freckelton (ed), Involuntary Detention and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: International Perspectives, Dartmouth, Ashgate, 2002
I Freckelton,”Medical Malpractice Law” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Current Controversies in Health Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 1999.
I Freckelton,”Compensation for Rape Victims” in P Easteal (ed), Balancing the Scales, Federation Press, Sydney, 1998.
I Freckelton and B Loff, ”Medical Law and Human Rights” in D Kinley, Human Rights in Australian Law: Practice and Potential, Federation Press, Sydney, 1998.
I Freckelton, “Research Misconduct” in R Iphofen (ed), Handbook of Research Ethics and Scientific Integrity (Springer, 2020)
I Freckelton and B Bennett, ” Regulation of Health Practitioners” in in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Tensions and Traumas in Health Law (Federation Press, Sydney, 2017)
I Freckelton and M McMahon, “Criminalisation of Research Fraud” in in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Tensions and Traumas in Health Law (Federation Press, Sydney, 2017)
B Bennett and I Freckelton, “Health Practitioner Regulation” in Bartha Maria Knoppers and Yann Joly (ed), Handbook of Medical Law and Ethics (Routledge, New York, 2013).
I Freckelton, “Non-Disciplinary Pathways in Health Practitioner Regulation” in J Healy and P Dugdale (ed), Patient Safety First, Allen & Unwin, Melbourne, 2009 (pp167-191)
I Freckelton, “Professional Issues in Practice” in K Fritzon and P Wilson, Forensic and Criminological Psychology: An Australasian Perspective, McGraw Hill, Sydney, 2008.
I Freckelton, “Disciplinary Investigations and Hearings: a Therapeutic Jurisprudence Perspective” in G Reinhardt and A Cannon (eds), Transforming Legal Processes in Court and Beyond, AIJA, Melbourne, 2007.
I Freckelton, “Report Cards: Legal Issues” in J Oakley et al (ed), Doctors’ Report Cards, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2007
I Freckelton, “Ethics and the Legal Context” in S Morrissey and P Reddy (ed), Ethics and Professional Practice for Psychologists, Thomson, Sydney, 2006.
S Wingenfeld and I Freckelton, “Being the Subject of a Complaint to a Regulatory Board” in S Morrissey and P Reddy (ed), Ethics and Professional Practice for Psychologists, Thomson, Sydney, 2006.
I Freckelton, “Regulation of Health Practitioners” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed) Disputes and Dilemmas in Health Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 2006.
I Freckelton, “Professional Regulation in the Era of Globalization” in B Bennett (ed), Globalization in Health Law, Kluwer, 2006
I Freckelton, “Regulation Issues for the Health Professions” in S Maclean, Essays in Honour of Ken Mason , Ashgate, 2006
I Freckelton and K Petersen, “Disputes and Dilemmas in Health Law: An Overview” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed) Disputes and Dilemmas in Health Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 2006.
B Bennett and I Freckelton, “Life After the Ipp Reforms: Medical Negligence Law” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed) Disputes and Dilemmas in Health Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 2006.
I Freckelton,”Codes of Ethics: A Legal Perspective” in S Bloch and A Coady (ed), Professions of Ethics, Melbourne University Press, 1996
I Freckelton, “Lawyering, Judging and the Pressures of Legal Work” in J Marychurch, KF Doherty and J Weinberg (ed), Wellness for Law: Reflecting on the Past, Shaping the Future (Lexis Nexis, Melbourne, 2024)
I Freckelton, “Redress for Unlawful Imprisonment” in P Keyzer (ed) Preventive Detention (Intersentia, Amsterdam, 2013)
I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence in Causation Cases” in R Goldberg, Perspectives on Causation (Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2011: 978-1-84946-086-6)
I Freckelton, “Causality and the Law” in K Boff, W Rouse and P Sanderson (ed), Complex Socio-technical Systems: Understanding and Influencing Causality of Change (IOS Press, Pennyslvania, 2012) (ISBN: 978-1-61499-081-9)
B Bennett and I Freckelton, “Medical Negligence Law” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Disputes and Dilemmas in Health Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 2006.
I Freckelton, “Dilemmas of Proof in Causation” in I Freckelton and D Mendelson (ed), Causation in Law and Medicine, Ashgate, Dartmouth, 2002
I Freckelton, “Causation in Coronial Law” in I Freckelton and D Mendelson (ed), Causation in Law and Medicine, Ashgate, Dartmouth, 2002
I Freckelton, “Medical Malpractice Law” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Controversies in Health Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 1999
I Freckelton and D Ranson, “Death Investigation” in in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Tensions and Traumas in Health Law (Federation Press, Sydney, 2017)
I Freckelton and D Ranson, “Coroners’ Inquests” in I Freckelton and K Petersen (ed), Disputes and Dilemmas in Health Law, Federation Press, Sydney, 2006.
I Freckelton, “Coronial Law” in I Freckelton (ed), Victorian Criminal Law, Investigation and Procedure, LBC, Sydney, 2000.
I Freckelton, “Death and the Law” in A Kellehear, Death and Dying in Australia, Oxford University Press, Melbourne, 2000
I Freckelton, “Legal Issues in Identification of the Deceased” in J Clement and D Ranson, Cranio-Facial Identification, London, 1998
I Freckelton, “Inquest Law” in H Selby (ed), The Inquest Handbook, Federation Press, Sydney, 1997.
I Freckelton, “Coronial Law” in S Linden (ed), Health Law, vol 20, The Laws of Australia, LBC, Sydney, 1996.
I Freckelton, “Financial Compensation for Victims: An International Perspective” in M Malsch (ed), Contemporary Issues in Caring for Victims, Kluwer, Amsterdam, 2004
I Freckelton, “Criminal Injuries Compensation” in I Freckelton (ed), Criminal Procedure, LBC, 2000
I Freckelton, “The Politics of Jury Competence: a Commentary” in B Martin (ed), Technology and Public Participation, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, 1999
I Freckelton, “Rape Law Reform: A Practitioner’s Perspective” in P Easteal (ed), Balancing the Scales, Federation Press, Sydney, 1998
I Freckelton, “Committal Proceedings” in Lawyers’ Practice Manual, Melbourne, 1995-2012
I Freckelton, “Powers of Search and Seizure” in I Freckelton (ed), Criminal Procedure, vol 11, The Laws of Australia, LBC, 1996-
I Freckelton, “Sexual Offences” in C McPhee (ed) The Law Handbook, Melbourne, 1997-2012
I Freckelton, “Applications for Permanent Stays” in I Freckelton (ed), Criminal Procedure, vol 11, The Laws of Australia, LBC, 1996
I Freckelton, “Voir Dires” in I Freckelton (ed), Criminal Procedure, vol 11, The Laws of Australia, LBC, 1996-
I Freckelton, “Legal Regulation of the Police Culture of Violence: Rhetoric, Remedies and Redress” in S James (ed), Police and the Culture of Violence, Federation Press, Melbourne, 2001
I Freckelton, “Complaints Against the Police”, in C McPhee (ed) The Law Handbook, Melbourne, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
I Freckelton, “Shooting the Messenger: The Rise and Fall of the Police Complaints Authority” in A Goldsmith, Complaints Against the Police, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1991
I Freckelton, “Police and The Media: Sensation and Symbiosis” in I Freckelton & H Selby (ed) Police in Our Society, Butterworths, Sydney, 1988
I Freckelton and H Selby, “Piercing The Blue Veil” in P Wilson & D Chappell (ed), Australian Policing, Butterworths, Sydney, 1988
I Freckelton and H Selby, “Police Accountability” in M Findlay & R Hogg (ed) Understanding Crime and Criminal Justice, LBC, Sydney, 1988
I Freckelton and H Selby, “Complaining About a Government Employee” in T Pagone and J Wallace (ed) Rights and Freedoms in Australia, Federation Press, Melbourne, 1989.
I Freckelton, “Sub Judice Contempt” in K Fan Sin (ed), Essays in Honour of Michael Chesterman, Law Book Co, Sydney, 2003
I Freckelton, “Further Evidence on Appeal” in G Blank and H Selby (ed), Appellate Practice, Federation Press, Sydney, 2008.
I Freckelton, “Mental Health Law” and “Public Health Law” entries in Lexis Nexis Legal Dictionary (2010, 2014, 2016, 2020)
E Berah and I Freckelton, “Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry, Psychology and Law” (2005) Encyclopaedia of Law and Society
I Freckelton, “Forensic Science Evidence and the Law” in J Siegal, Encyclopaedia of Forensic Sciences (2000)
I Freckelton, “Classification of Evidence” in J Siegal, Encyclopaedia of Forensic Sciences (2000, 2014)