
1. Evidence Law

2. Health Law

3. Public Health Law

4. Mental Health and Intellectual Disability Law

5. Ethics, Research and Professional Regulation

6. Coronial Law and Practice

7. Tort and Compensation Law

8. Civil Procedure

9. Criminal Law and Procedure

10. Criminal Law: International

11. Sentencing

12. Police Practices

13. Administrative Law

14. Civil Liberties and Human Rights

15. Privacy

16. Family and Children’s Law

17. Advocacy and Legal Practice 

18. Historical

19. Media Law

20. Case Notes

21 Forewords

22. Letters/ Responses to Letters

1. Evidence Law

I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence Admissibility Criteria” (2025) 32(1) Journal of Law and Medicine (in press)

I Freckelton, “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD): Forensic Issues” (2024) 35 Bond Law Review 91-121:;query=Ian%20freckelton;mask_path=

I Freckelton, “Expert Diagnostic Evidence by Psychologists: Disciplinary Tensions and Admissibility Issues” (2023) 30(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 58-69

I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence under Coronial Law” (2022) 172 Precedent 1-15:;query=Ian%20freckelton;mask_path=

I Freckelton, “Independence and the Medico-Legal Expert” (2021) 1(1) Annals of the Australian Medico-Legal College 6-18

P Steadman, D Sheppard, J Henderson, B Halliday and I Freckelton, “Considerations Surrounding Remote Medicolegal Assessments: A Systematic Search and Narrative Synthesis of the Range of Motion Literature”(2022) 92 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Surgery 46-50,

I Freckelton, “Single Joint Expert Witnesses” (2020) 29 Journal of Judicial Administration 85-100

I Freckelton, “Admissibility and Probative Value of Tracker Dog Scent Identification” (2020) 8(1) Forensic Research and Criminology International Journal 52-59, doi: 10.15406/frcij.2020.08.00306

I Freckelton, “The Award of Wasted Costs Arising from Defective Expert Evidence” (2016) 25 Journal of Judicial Administration 113-123

I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder Cases” (2016) 2 Ethics, Medicine and Public Health 59-75,

I Freckelton, “Admissibility of Expert Opinions on Eyewitness Evidence: International Perspectives” (2014) 21(6) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 821-836,

I Freckelton, “The Evolving Obligations of Expert Witnesses and Report Writers” (2013) 119  Precedent 4-9

I Freckelton, “Eyewitness Identification Law Reform: the Need for Persistence” (2013) 20 Journal of Law and Medicine 503-511

I Freckelton, “Autism Spectrum Disorder: Forensic Issues and Challenges for Mental Health Professionals and Courts” (2013) 26(5)  Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disability 420-434,

I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence Accountability: Challenges and New Developments” (2011) 19 Journal of Law and Medicine 209

I Freckelton, “Abolition of Immunity for Expert Witnesses: Issues for Australian Doctors” (July 2011) Anaesthetic Life / Surgical Life / Physician Life / Psychiatry Life

I Freckelton, “Doctor-Patient Privilege” (2009) 17 Journal of Law and Medicine 309

I Freckelton, “Heterodoxy, Iconoclasm and Spurious Expert Evidence” (2008) 15(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 323

I Freckelton, “Biting the Cherry A Second Time: Further Evidence on Appeal” (2008) Victorian Bar News

I Freckelton, “Heterodoxy, Iconoclasm and Spuriousness” (2008) 80 New Zealand Lawyer 18

I Freckelton and T Henning, “Lying, Personality Disorders and Expert Evidence: New Developments in the Law” (1998) 5(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and the Law 271,

I Freckelton, “Insightlessness in an Unscientific Forensic Expert” (2006) 14 Journal of Law and Medicine 176

I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence in the Family Court” (2005) 12 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 234,

M Malsch and I Freckelton, “Expert Bias and Partisanship: A Comparison Between Australia and the Netherlands” (2005) 11 Psychology, Public Policy and the Law 42,

I Freckelton, “The Closing of the Coffin on Forensic Polygraph Evidence for Australia” (2004) 11(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 359-366,

I Freckelton, “HMAS Melbourne and HMAS Voyager: The Continuing Psychiatric Aftermath” (2004) 11(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 367-373,

I Freckelton, “Polygraph Evidence: A temporary Setback or Closure” (2004) 12(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 150

I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence Law Reform” (2004) 12(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 393

I Freckelton, “Epidemiology Evidence and Causation” (2004) 63 Plaintiff 18:

I Freckelton, “Recent Developments in Expert Evidence Law and Practice” (2000) Australasian Forensic Psychiatry Bulletin 4

I Freckelton and T Henning, “Speculation, Uncorroborated Opinions and Forensic Expertise in Child Sex Prosecutions” (1999) 6(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 105-116,

I Freckelton, “Social Psychology, Survey Evidence and Prejudicial Publicity” (1999) 6(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 215-231,

I Freckelton, “Cults, Coercion and Psychological Consequences” (1998) 5(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 1-46,

I Freckelton, “Psychologists’ Entitlement to Diagnose” (1998) 5(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 159-162,

I Freckelton, “Legal Metrology” (1998) 5(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 201

I Freckelton, “Counterintuitive Evidence” (1997) 4(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 303-304

I Freckelton, “Judicial Pedagogy and  Expert Evidence on Victims’ Responses to Trauma” (1997) 4(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 79-86,

I Freckelton, “Judicial Attitudes toward Scientific Evidence” (1997) 30 University of California Davis Law Review 1137-1212

I Freckelton, “The Diagnostic Expertise of Forensic Psychologists” (1997) 4(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 73-77,

I Freckelton, “Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Evidence: the Travails of Counterintuitive Evidence in Australia and New Zealand (1997) 15 Behavioral Sciences and the Law 247-283,<247::AID-BSL272>3.0.CO;2-H

I Freckelton, “Psychological Evidence in Refugee Cases About Conscientious Objection to Military Service” (1997) 4(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 87-91,

I Freckelton, “Admissibility of False Memory Syndrome Evidence” (1997) 4(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 241.

I Freckelton and H Selby, “Expert Evidence” (1996) Australian Lawyer

I Freckelton, “Repressed Memory Syndrome: Counterintuitive or Counterproductive?” (1996) 20(1) Criminal Law Journal 7

I Freckelton, “Rationality and Flexibility in Assessments of Fitness to Stand Trial” (1996) 19(1) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 39-59,

I Freckelton, “Motor Vehicle Accident Causation and Reconstruction Evidence” (1996) 70(2) Law Institute Journal 46

I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence and the Role of the Jury” (1994) 12 (1) Australian Bar Review 73

I Freckelton, “When Plight Makes Right: the Forensic Abuse Syndrome” (1994) 18 Criminal Law Journal 29

I Freckelton,”Expert Evidence” (1994) 1(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 135

I Freckelton, “Science in the Witness Box” (1993) Search 247

I Freckelton, “The Objective Duty of Forensic Scientists” (1993) Search 258

I Freckelton, “Science and the Legal Culture” (1993) 2(2) Expert Evidence 107

I Freckelton, “Of Blood, Babies and Bathwater: the Dilemma Posed by Scientific Evidence” (1992) 17(1) Alternative Law Journal 10

I Freckelton, “Battered Woman Syndrome” (1992) 17(1) Alternative Law Journal 39

I Freckelton, “Bloodstains, Fingerprints and DNA Profiling” (1991)  Journal of the Australian Medico-Legal Society

I Freckelton, “DNA Profiling: Forensic Science Under the Microscope” (1990) 14 (1) Criminal Law Journal 23

I Freckelton and H Selby, “The Use and Abuse of Expert Witnesses” (1989) 63 Law Institute Journal 31

I Freckelton and H Selby, “Lawyers, ‘Hired Guns’ and Money: Who Pays the Experts? (1989) 63 Law Institute Journal 1162

I Freckelton, “DNA Profiling: Optimism and Realism” (April 1989) Law Institute Journal 630

I Freckelton, “Scientific Evidence: The Challenge of Tomorrow” (1987) 3 (3) Australian Bar Review 243

I Freckelton, “Social Scientists and the Law” (1986) 60 (10) Law Institute Journal 1096

I Freckelton, “The Unsworn Statement” (1986) 1 (3) Legal Studies Update Service 23

I Freckelton, “Witnesses and the Privilege Against Self-Incrimination” (1985) 59 Australian Law Journal 204

I Freckelton, “Court Experts, Assessors and the Public Interest” (1985) 8 (2) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 161-188,

I Freckelton, “The Anthropologist on Trial” (1985) 15 Melbourne University Law Review 360:;query=Ian%20freckelton;mask_path=

2. Health Law

I Freckelton, “Patient Autonomy and Respect for Private Life: Ramifications of the European Court of Human Rights Decision in Pindo Mulla v Spain” (2025) 32(2) Journal of Law and Medicine (in press)

J van den Heuvel, A Porter, E Kirkpatrick, J Vervains, S Reddy and I Freckelton, “The Silent Partner: A Narrative Review of AI’s Impact on Informed Consent” (2025) 32(1) Journal of Law and Medicine (in press)

I Freckelton, “Acute Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease: Public Health Insights from Coroners’ Inquests” (2024) 31(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 653-674

I Freckelton, “Medical Termination of Pregnancy: Reforms to the Law and Controversies in the United States and Australia” (2024) 31(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 447-463

I Freckelton, “Cystic Fibrosis and the Law: The Ramifications of New Treatments” (2024) 31(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 217-224

I Freckelton, “Vaccinating Children: The COVID-19 Family Law Jurisprudence” (2022) 29(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 645-662

D Jobson and I Freckelton, “The Perils of Cosmetic Surgery Tourism: Evolving Perspectives, Awareness and Challenges” (2022) 29(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 406-420

I Freckelton, “Fitness for Execution: Pakistan’s Breakthrough Supreme Court Initiatives in Mental Health Law” (under submission)

I Freckelton, “Children as Voices and Images for Medicinal Cannabis Law Reform” (2021) Monash Bioethics Review 10.1007/s40592-021-00139-z

P Steadman, D Sheppard, J Henderson, B Halliday and I Freckelton, “Considerations Surrounding Remote Medicolegal Assessments: A Systematic Search and Narrative Synthesis of the Range of Motion Literature” (2021) Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery,

D Jobson, V Mar and I Freckelton, “Legal and Ethical Consideration of Artificial Intelligence in Skin Cancer Diagnosis” (2021) 63(1)  Australasian Journal of Dermatology e1

I Freckelton, “The Rights to Life, Dignity and  the Highest Attainable Standard of Health: Internationally Influential African Jurisprudence” (2020) 28(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 9-20

R Scott, M Robertson and I Freckelton, “True Crime Stories and Psychiatrists’ Ethical Responsibilities”  (2020) Australasian Psychiatry,

I Freckelton, Parkinson’s Disease and the Criminal Justice System” (2022) 29(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 309-321

I Freckelton, “Dilemmas for the Criminal Justice System in Dealing with Diagnoses for Neuropsychiatrically Impaired Offenders” (2020) 8(2) Forensic Research and Criminology International Journal 64-75, DOI: 10.15406/frcij.2020.08.00308

I Freckelton, “Internet Disruptions in the Doctor-Patient Relationship” (2020) 28(3) Medical Law Review 502-525

I Freckelton, “Prohibition Orders and the Regulation of Unregistered Health Practitioners” (2020) 27 Journal of Law and Medicine 551-560

I Freckelton, “Guidance on Prescription of Homeopathic Treatments: Ramifications of a Failed Administrative Law Challenge” (2019) 27 Journal of Law and Medicine 50-54, PMID: 31682341

I Freckelton, “The Complementary Medicine Insurance Wars: The Unresolved but Politicised Australian Theatre of Combat  (2019) 27 Journal of Law and Medicine 7-19

V Denault, I Freckelton et al, “L’analyse de la communication non verbale: les dangers de la pseudoscience en contextes de sécurité et de justice” [The analysis of nonverbal communication: the dangers of pseudoscience in security and justice contexts] (2019) Revue Internationale de Criminologie et de Police Technique et Scientifique:

I Freckelton, “Health Law: The Past and the Future” (2018) 25 Journal of Law and Medicine 869-893

I Freckelton, “Regulation of Substandard Medical Practice: Lessons from the Bawa-Garba Case” (2018) 25 Journal of Law and Medicine 603-625

I Freckelton, “Responding to Desperate Parents; Warnings from the Alfie Evans Saga” (2018) 25 Journal of Law and Medicine 899-918

I Freckelton, “The Evolving Doctor-Patient Relationship from a Medico-Legal Perspective” (2018) 37 Medicine and Law 61-86

I Freckelton, “Vaccination Litigation: The Need for Rethinking Compensation for Vaccination Injury” (2018) 25 Journal of Law and Medicine 293-314

I Freckelton, “Futility of Treatment for Dying Children: Lessons from there Charlie Gard Case” (2017) 25(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 7-29

B Bennett, B White, L Wilmott, F McDonald, E Beattie and I Freckelton, “Human Rights, Assistive Technologies and Dementia Care: Challenges for an Ageing World” (2017) 95 Bulletin of the World Health Organisation 749-755

I Freckelton, “Doctors Suing Patients: Wrestling with Doing No Harm” (2017) 24 Journal of Law and Medicine 749-755

I Freckelton, “Bolam Buried, Belatedly?” (2017) 24 Journal of Law and Medicine 525-537

I Freckelton, “The Right to Sue for Non-Communication or Delay in the Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases” (2016) 24 Journal of Law and Medicine 275-282

I Freckelton, ‘Parents’ Opposition to Potentially Life-saving Treatment for Minors: Learning from the Oshin Kiszko Litigation’ (2016) 24 Journal of Law and Medicine 61-75

I Freckelton, “Medicinal Cannabis Law Reform in Australia” (2016) 23(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 490-504

I Freckelton, “Medicinal Cannabis Litigation: Lessons from Canada” (2015) 22 Journal of Law and Medicine 719-738

I Freckelton, “Medically Assisted Suicide: Recent Developments and the Challenges for Law Reform” (2016) 23 Journal of Law and Medicine 735-762

I Freckelton, “The Medico-Scientific Marginalisation of Homeopathy: International Legal and Regulatory Developments” (2015) 23(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 7-23

I Freckelton, “Litigation, Art and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: The Travails of William Dobell” (2015) 22(2)  Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 161-171,

I Freckelton, “The Shanbaug Saga: Euthanasia in India” (2014) 21 Journal of Law and Medicine 469-474

I Freckelton, “Huntington’s Disease: Legal Challenges and Issues” (2014) 6(2) Journal of Current Issues in Criminal Law and Law Enforcement 103-124

I Freckelton, “Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Health Workers: Registration and Regulation” (2014) 21 Journal of Law and Medicine 550-560

I Freckelton, “Sexual Surrogate Partner Therapy: Legal and Ethical Issues” (2013) 20(5)  Psychiatry, Psychology and the Law 643-659,

I Freckelton, “The Emergence and Evolution of Health Law” (2013) 29(2)  Law in Context 74

I Freckelton, “Stillbirth Law Reform” (2013) 21 Journal of Law and Medicine 7-26

D Mendelson and I Freckelton, “The Interface of the Civil and Criminal Law of Suicide at Common Law (1194-1845)” (2013) 36(5) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 343-349,

I Freckelton, “Hoarding Disorder and the Law” (2012) 20 Journal of Law and Medicine 225-249

I Freckelton, “Death by Homeopathy: Issues for Civil, Criminal and Coronial Law and for Health Service Policy” (2012) 19 Journal of Law and Medicine 454-478

I Freckelton, “The Deaths of King Ludwig II of Bavaria and of his Psychiatrist, Professor von Gudden: Warnings from the Nineteenth Century” (2012) 19 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 1,

I Freckelton, “Regulating Quackery” (November 2011) Anaesthetic Life / Surgical Life / Physician Life / Psychiatry Life

I Freckelton, “Habeas Corpus and Involuntary Detention of Patients with Psychiatric Disorders” (2011) 18(4) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 473,

T McEwan and I Freckelton, “Assessment, Treatment and Prosecution of Arson: An Overview” (2011) 18(3) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 319,

I Freckelton and G Mendelson, “Psychiatric Disorders and Referral Obligations” (June 2011) 194(12) Medical Journal of Australia

I Freckelton, “Patients’ Decisions to Die: The Emerging Australian Jurisprudence” (2011) 18  Journal of Law and Medicine 427

I Freckelton, “Plagiarism in Law and Medicine” (2010) 17(5) Journal of Law and Medicine 645

I Freckelton, “Regulation of Vitamin and Mineral Supplements” (2010) 17(5) Journal of Law and Medicine 719

I Freckelton, “Huntington’s Disease and the Law” (2010) 18(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 7

I Freckelton, “Consequences of Suicide for Negligence Compensability” (2010) 99 Precedent 20:

I Freckelton, “Disputed Family Claims to Bury or Cremate the Dead” (2009) 17(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 178

I Freckelton, “Food Law: Challenges and New Directions” (2009) 14(2)  Deakin Law Review 219; [2009] UMonashLRS 3:

I Freckelton, “Bioethics, Biopolitics and Regulation of Medical Practitioners: Learning from the Nazi Doctor Phenomenon” (2009) 16 Journal of Law and Medicine 555

I Freckelton, “Not Therapeutic Jurisprudence” (2008) 30 Thomas Jefferson University Law Review 575-598

I Freckelton, “Multidisciplinary Meetings: Patient Expectations and Legal Liability” (2008) 52 Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology 1

I Freckelton, “Liability for Failure by Police to Detain Potentially Suicidal and Dangerous Persons” (2008) 15(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 175,

I Freckelton, “Employers’ Liability for Bullying-Induced Psychiatric Injuries” (2008) 16(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 9

I Freckelton, “Health and Human Rights: Challenges of Implementation and Cultural Change” (2008) 15 Journal of Law and Medicine 794

I Freckelton, “In Vitro Fertilisation and the Limits of Consent” (2007) 14 Journal of Law and Medicine 319

I Freckelton, “Sterilisation of Intellectually Disabled Minors” (2007) 14 Journal of Law and Medicine 299

I Freckelton, “Long Tail Liabilities” (2007) 15(1)  Journal of Law and Medicine 171

I Freckelton, “Human Rights and Health Law” (2006) 14 Journal of Law and Medicine 7

I Freckelton, “Madness, Migration and Mendacity” (2005) 12 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 1

I Freckelton, “Withdrawal of Life Support” (2004) 11(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 265

I Freckelton, “Munchausen By Proxy Syndrome Criminal Prosecutions” (2004) 12(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 261

I Freckelton, “Regulating Forensic Deviance: The Ethical Responsibilities of Expert Report Writers and Witnesses” (2004) 12(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 141

I Freckelton, “Coercing Fitness for Trial: Mandating Efficacious Pharmacotherapy” (2004) 11(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 174.

I Freckelton, “Complementary Medicine and Challenges for Western Medical Practice” (2003) 10(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 257

I Freckelton, “Mental Health Tribunal Hearings and Therapeutic Jurisprudence” (2003) 10 (1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 44

I Freckelton, “Obtaining Informed Consent from Pychotic Patient for a Study on Psychosis?(2003) Monash Bioethics Law Review

I Freckelton, “Gynaecological Cytopathology and the Search for Perfection: Civil Liability and Regulatory Repercussions” (2003) 11(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 185

I Freckelton, “Social Security Entitlements, Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Jurisprudence” (2002) 9(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 261

I Freckelton and M McMahon, “Social Science and Experimentation in Australian Criminal Proceedings: Prejudicial Pre-trial Publicity and Psychological Research” (2002) 9(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 347

I Freckelton, “Cynthia’s Dilemma: A Commentary” (2002) 2(2)American Journal of Bioethics 60-61:

I Freckelton, “Clinical Practice Guidelines: Legal Repercussions” (2002) 10(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 5

I Freckelton, “Rogers v Whitaker Reconsidered” (2001) 9(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 5

I Freckelton,  “Cosmetic Surgery and Law Reform” (2000) 7(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 233

I Freckelton, “Epidemiology Evidence” (2000) 8(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 133

I Freckelton, “The Therapeutic Jurisprudence of Appellate Decision-Making” (2000) 24 Seattle University Law Review 313

I Freckelton, “Discourses, Values and Frameworks” (1999) 6(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

I Freckelton, “Tax Deductability of Legal Services for Doctors” (1999) 6(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 213

I Freckelton,”Material Risks: New Perspectives” (1999) 6 Journal of Law and Medicine 313

I Freckelton, “Lost Chance Litigation” (1999) 7(1)  Journal of Law and Medicine 5

I Freckelton, “Medical Negligence Law: A Blow for Consumers?” (1999) Alternative Law Journal

I Freckelton, “Medical Negligence: Looking Ahead” (1999) Australian Doctor

J Gall and I Freckelton, “Fitness for Interview: Current Trends, Views and an Approach to the Assessment Procedure” (1999) 6 Journal of Clinical Forensic Medicine 213

I Freckelton, “Doctors’ Notes in Litigation” (1998) 5(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 305

I Freckelton, “Records in Medico-Legal Litigation” (1998) Archives and Manuscripts 230

I Freckelton, “Compensation for Criminal Injuries: the Beginning of the End?” (1997) 4(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 207

I Freckelton,  “Legal Liability of Health Care Providers” (1997) 5(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 3

I Freckelton, “Suicide” (1997) 5(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 107

I Freckelton, “A Template for Proof of PTSD” (1997) 4(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 245

I Freckelton, “Current Issues for PTSD Assessment in the Law” (Oct 1997) Australian Traumatic Stress Points

I Freckelton, “Psychological Damages” (1997) 4(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and the Law

I Freckelton, “Violence and Dangerousness in Family Law” (1996) 3(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 219

I Freckelton, “Codes of Medical Ethics” (1996) 3(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 303

I Freckelton,”Violence and the Law” (1996) 3(3) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

I Freckelton, “Teaching Law and Medicine” (1995) 2(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 175

I Freckelton,  “Patients” Access to Medical Records” (1995) 2(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 255

I Freckelton, “Fitness to Stand Trial” (1995) 3(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 3

I Freckelton, “Euthanasia – an Overview of the Debate” (1995) 3(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 99

I Freckelton, “Forensic Issues in Substance Abuse” (1994) 1(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 1

I Freckelton,  “Family Violence and the Courts” (1994) 2(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 3

I Freckelton,”Patenting Therapeutic Treatments and Methods” (1994) 2(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 87

I Freckelton, “Masochism, Self-Mutilation  and the Limits of Consent” (1994) 2(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 48

I Freckelton, “The Persistent Vegetative State Conundrum” (1993) 1(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 35

I Freckelton “Law and Medicine”(1993) 1(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 1

I Freckelton, “Consent and Communication” (1993) 1(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 67

I Freckelton, “Sexually Transmissible Diseases and the Law” (1987) 6 (2) Healthright 11

I Freckelton, “Sexually Transmissible Diseases: Legal Issues” (1986) 1 (1) Journal of Health Administration 24

3. Public Health Law

I Freckelton, “Landmark Public Health Law Reforms from Australia: Plain Tobacco Packaging, Vaping Regulation, and the Banning of Engineered Stone” (2024) Legitimate Scrutiny (in press)

I Freckelton, “Engineered Stone Law Reform” (2024) 31(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 5-23

I Freckelton and G Wolf, “Monkeypox: Learning Lessons from COVID-19 and HIV/AIDS”(2022) 29(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 967-986:

M Rychert, K Diesfeld and I Freckelton, ‘Professional Discipline for Vaccine Misinformation Posts on Social Media: Issues and Controversies for the Legal Profession’ 29(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 895-903

I Freckelton, “Death Investigations and COVID-19” (2022) Clinical Communique 23-25

Ian Freckelton, ‘Vaccinating Children: COVID-19’s Contribution to Family Law Jurisprudence’ (2022) 29(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 645-662

I Freckelton, “Polycentricity, Pandemics and Public Perceptions: Lessons from the Djokovic Saga” (2022) 29(1)  Journal of Law and Medicine 9-22

B Bennett, I Freckelton and G Wolf, “COVID-19 and the Future of Australian Public Health Law” (2022) 43(1) Adelaide Law Review 403-437

I Freckelton, “Mandatory Vaccination Litigation” (2021) 28 Journal of Law and Medicine 913-930

I Freckelton, ‘COVID-19 as a Disruptor and a Catalyst for Change” (2021) 28 Journal of Law and Medicine 597-612

I Freckelton, “Human Challenge Trials and COVID-19” (2021) 28 Journal of Law and Medicine 311-322

I Freckelton, “COVID-19 Curfews: Kenyan and Australian Litigation and Pandemic Protection” (2020) 28 Journal of Law and Medicine 117-131

I Freckelton, “COVID-19, Fear, Quackery and the Law” (2020) 72 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry:

N Stobbs, B Bennett and I Freckelton, “Compassion, Law and COVID-19” (2020) 27 Journal of Law and Medicine 865-876

I Freckelton and V Raposo, “International Access to Public Health Data: An Important Brazilian Precedent” (2020) 27  Journal of Law and Medicine 895-900

I Freckelton, “Perils of Precipitate Publication: Fraudulent and Substandard COVID-19 Research” (2020) 27(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 779-789

I Freckelton, “COVID-19: Criminal Law and Human Rights Issues Determined by Litigation” (2020) 27(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 790-806

I Freckelton, “COVID-19 and Occupational Health and Safety: Ethical and Legal Issues for Hospitals and Health Centres” (2020) 27 Journal of Law and Medicine 590-599

I Freckelton, “COVID 19: the Australian Experience” (2020) Newsletter of the World Association of Law and Medicine

I Freckelton, “Cults, Public Health and Legal Remedies” (1996) 4(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 3-9

I Freckelton, “Cluster Munitions and International Humanitarian Law” (2008) 15 Journal of Law and Medicine 481-488

4. Mental Health and  Disability Law

E Woodhouse, J Hollingdale, I Freckelton et al, “Identification and Support of Autistic Individuals within the UK Criminal Justice System: A Practical Approach Based Upon Professional Consensus with Input from Lived Experience” (2024) 22 BMC Medicine art 157:

I Freckelton, “Disability Law Reform in Australia: Principles, Pragmatism and Politics” (2023) 30(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 785-805

I Coyle, R Scott and I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence of ‘Risk Assessments’ and the Preventive Detention of ‘Dangerous Prisoners” (2023) 30(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 917-961:

S Kinder and I Freckelton, “Recent Case Highlights ‘Capacity’ Confusion” (5 October 2020) Medical Journal of Australia Insight +:

I Freckelton, “Scholarship in Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 1985-2000” (2020) 27(3) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 333-345,

I Freckelton, “Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and the Criminal Law” (2020) 27(5) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 831-852:

I Freckelton, “Tourette’s Disorder and the Criminal Law” (2019) 27 Journal of Law and Medicine 223-238:

I Freckelton, “Autism Spectrum Disorder and Applications for Extradition” (2000) 27 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 181-191,

I Freckelton, “Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and the Law” (2019) 26(6) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 817-840,

I Freckelton, “Disabilities and Dangerous Digital Footprints: The Need for Light-Touch Guidance” (2020) 6(4) Global Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 75-79 (555695), DOI: 10.19080/GJIDD.2020.06.555695

I Freckelton, “Mental Health Treatment and Human Rights” (2019) 44(2) Alternative Law Journal 91-92

I Freckelton, “Electro-convulsive Therapy and Human Rights” (2019) 26(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 1-20,

R Scott and I Freckelton, “Narcissistic Rage and the Murder of Allison Baden-Clay” (2017) 25 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 131-151,

I Freckelton, “Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the Unreliability of Admissions during Police Interviews” (2016) 23(1)  Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 173-183,

I Freckelton, “Assessment and Evaluation of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and its Potential Relevance for Sentencing: A Clarion Call from Western Australia” (2017) 24 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 485-495,

I Freckelton, “Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and the Law in Australia: the Need for Awareness and Concern to Translate into Urgent Action” (2013) 20 Journal of Law and Medicine 481-492.

I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence by Mental Health Professionals: The Communication Challenge Posed by Evidence about Autism Spectrum Disorder, Brain Injuries,and Huntington’s Disease” (2012) 35 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 372-379, doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2012.09.008.

I Freckelton, “Psychotherapy, Suicide and Foreseeable Risks of Decompensation by the Vulnerable” (2011) 18  Journal of Law and Medicine 467

I Freckelton, “Asperger’s Disorder and the Criminal Law” (2011) 18 Journal of Law and Medicine 677

I Freckelton , “Forensic Issues in Mental Health Displayed in Art: (2009) 16(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 1,

I Freckelton, “Sentencing of Offenders with Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy” (2009) 16(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 165:

I Freckelton, “Compensability for Suicide: A Causation Dilemma” (2009) 16(Supp) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 1,

I Freckelton and D List“Asperger’s Disorder and Criminal Responsibility” (2009) 16(1)  Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 16,

I Freckelton, “Psychiatry, Psychology and Law and ANZAPPL (2008) 15(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

I Freckelton, “Applications for Release by Australians in Victoria to be Released Having been Found Not Guilty of Offences of Violence by Reason of Mental Impairment” (2005) 28(4)  International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 375-404, doi: 10.1016/j.ijlp.2004.06.008

I Freckelton, “Bipolar Disorders and the Law” (2005) 13 Journal of Law and Medicine 153

I Freckelton, ‘Untimely Deaths: Mental Illness, Suicidality and the Law” (2005) 12(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and the Law 259,

I Freckelton, “Distractors and Distressors in Involuntary Status Decision-Making” (2004) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 88

I Freckelton, “Divarications in Civil Commitment Decision-Making” (2003) 10(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 390

I Freckelton, “Compensation for Pure Psychiatric Injury: Resolution from the Australian High Court?” (2002) 10(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 133

I Freckelton, “New Directions in Compensability for Psychiatric Injuries” (2002) 9(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 271

I Freckelton, “Psychopathy, Dangerousness and Involuntary Detention in New Zealand: Fitness for Release from Compulsory Treatment Status” (2002) 9(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 100

I Freckelton and B Wilson, “Electro-convulsive Therapy: Law, Practice and Ethics” (2001) 8(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 389

I Freckelton, “Civil Commitment: Due Process, Procedural Fairness and Decision-Making Informedness” (2001) 8(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

I Freckelton, “A Mentally Ill Judge, Involuntary Detention and An Application for Tutelage Messages for Today  from the Notorious Schreber Case” (2001) 8(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 118

I Freckelton, “Civil Commitment: Due Process, Procedural Fairness and the Quality of Decision-Making” (2001) 8(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 105

I Freckelton and B Wilson, “Electroconvulsive Therapy and the Law: a Modern Australian and New Zealand Perspective” (2000) 8(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 389

I Freckelton, “Supervision Orders Over Persons Found Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity” (2000) 7(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 119

I Freckelton, “Critical Incident Stress Debriefing and the Law” (1998) 6(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 105

I Freckelton, “PTSD: A Challenge for Public and Private Law” (1998) 5(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 252

I Freckelton, “Decision-Making about Involuntary Detention: Victorian Practice” (1998) 5(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 249

I Freckelton, “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Law” (1995) 19(6) Alternative Law Journal 258

I Freckelton, “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Law” (1995) 2(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

5. Ethics, Research and Professional Regulation

C Stewart and I Freckelton, “Lessons from Re Teo: Unconventional Practice and the National Law” (2023) 30(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 520-537

N Holbeach, I Freckelton and B Mol, “Responsibilities of Editors and Publishers in Relation to Medical Research Misconduct” (2023) 19(2) Research Ethics 107-120,

D Jobson and I Freckelton, “The Changing Face of Cosmetic Surgery Regulation: A Review of Controversies and Potential Reforms” (2022) 92(5) Australian and New Zealand Journal of Surgery 964-969,

I Freckelton, “COVID-19 Denialism, Vaccination Scepticism and the Regulation of Health Practitioners” (2021) 28 Journal of Law and Medicine 613-619

I Freckelton, “Clinical Research without Consent: Challenges for COVID-19 Research” (2020) 28(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 90-106

I Freckelton, “Encouraging and Rewarding the Whistleblower in Research Misconduct Cases” (2019) 26 Journal of Law and Medicine 719-731

I Freckelton, “Impostors and Impersonators: Fake Health Practitioners and the Law” (2018) 26 Journal of Law and Medicine 407-432

I Freckelton, “Regulation of Substandard Practice” (2018) 25 Journal of Law and Medicine 603-625

I Freckelton, “Why Research Fraud Happens and How to Deter It” (8 July 2016) 421 University World News

I Freckelton, “Criminalising Research Fraud” (2014) 22 Journal of Law and Medicine 241-254

I Freckelton, “Commerciality in the Health Practitioner-Patient Relationship: The Ethics of  Overcharging” (2014) 21 Journal of Law and Medicine 497-507

I Freckelton, “Misplaced Hope: Misleading Health Service Provider Representations and Consumer Protection” (2012) 20 Journal of Law and Medicine 7-21.

I Freckelton, “Disciplinary Notations on the Medical Register” (2012) 196(10) Medical Journal of Australia 612

I Freckelton, “Unscientific Health Practice: Legal Ramifications” (2011) 18 Journal of Law and Medicine 645

I Freckelton, “National Regulation of Health Practitioners: At Last” (December 2010) Law Institute Journal

I Freckelton, “Regulation of Health Practitioners: National Reform in Australia: (2010) 18 Journal of Law and Medicine 207

I Freckelton, “Regulation of Health Practitioners by Trade Practitioners and Fair Trading Legislation” (2009) 16 Journal of Law and Medicine 574

I Freckelton, “Regulating the Unregistered” (2008) 16(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 413

I Freckelton, “Good Character and the Regulation of Medical Practitioners” (2008) 16(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 488-511

I Freckelton, “Regulation of Health Practitioners: Opportunities and Developments for Plaintiffs” (2007) Precedent

I Freckelton, “Trends in Mental Health Practitioner Regulation” (2008) 15 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 415

I Freckelton, “The Witness Immunity Rule and the Regulation of Experts (2007) 14 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 185

I Freckelton, “Twelve into One: Reforming the Regulations of Health Practitioners” (2007) 81(10) Law Institute Journal 38

I Freckelton and P Molloy, “The Health of Health Practitioners: Remedial Programs, Regulation and the Spectre of the Law” (2007) 15 Journal of Law and Medicine 366

I Freckelton and H Herkutanto, “Health Practitioner Regulation in Indonesia” (2006) 23(2) Law in Context 229

I Freckelton, “Regulating Health Practitioner Professionalism” (2006) 23(2)  Law in Context 1

I Freckelton, “The Margins of Health Practitioner Regulation” (2006) 23(2) Law in Context 148

I Freckelton and J Flynn, “Paths to Reclamation: Regulation of Doctors and Therapeutic Jurisprudence” (2004) 12(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 91

I Freckelton and D List, “Regulation of Psychologists and Therapeutic Jurisprudence” (2004) 11 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 296.

I Freckelton, “Regulation of Health Practitioners: Grappling with Temptations and Transgressions” (2004) 11(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 401

I Freckelton, “The Sexually Exploitative Doctor”  (1994) 1 Journal of Law and Medicine 203

6. Coronial Law and Practice

I Freckelton, “Coronial Oversight of the Operation of and Access to Voluntary Assisted Dying Regimes” (2024) 31(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 743-750

I Freckelton, “Coroners and Death Investigation: Evolution and Improvements” (2024) 49(4) Alternative Law Journal

I Freckelton, K Rossmanith and I Freckelton, “The Promise and Problem of ‘Closure’ in Death Investigations” (2024) (submitted)

I Freckelton, “When Therapeutic Jurisprudence Meets Grief: Death Investigation and Counter-Therapeutic Aspirations” (submitted)

I Freckelton, “Coroners’ Inquests and the Criminal Law” (2023) 30(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 259-277

I Freckelton, “Concussion and Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy Deaths: Coroners’ Inquests as a Catalyst for Public Health Reforms” (2023) 30(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 7-22

I Freckelton, Expert Evidence under Coronial Law” (2022) 172 Precedent 10-15

I Freckelton, “Interstate and Overseas Deaths: Jurisdictional and Decision-making Challenges for Coroners” (2019) 26 Journal of Law and Medicine 519-534

I Freckelton, “The 1628 Vasa Inquest in Sweden: Learning Contemporary Lessons for Effective Death Investigation” (2018) 26 Journal of Law and Medicine 285-299

I Freckelton, “Procedural Fairness and the Coroner” (2018) 26 Journal of Law and Medicine  7-22

I Freckelton, “Minimising the Counter-Therapeutic Effects of Coronial Investigations: In Search of Balance” (2016) 16(3) QUT Law Review 4-22:

I Freckelton, “The Privilege Against Self Incrimination Under Coronial Law and Practice” (2015) 22 Journal of Law and Medicine 491-505

I Freckelton and S McGregor, “Coronial Law and Practice and Human Rights” (2014) 21 Journal of Law and Medicine 584-601

I Freckelton, “Turning a New Page” (June 2009) Law Institute Journal

I Freckelton,”Safeguarding the Vulnerable in Custody” (2009) 17(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 157

I Freckelton, “New Directions in Coronial Law Reform” (2008) 11 Otago Law Review 565

I Freckelton, “Reforming Coronership: International Perspectives and Contemporary Developments (2008) 16 Journal of Law and Medicine 379

I Freckelton, “Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Coronership” (2007) 15 Journal of Law and Medicine 242

I Freckelton, “Coronial Law Reform: the New Phase” (2006) 14 Journal of Law and Medicine 151

I Freckelton, “Refusals of Autopsy” (2003) In-Quest

I Freckelton, “The Evolving Institution of Coroner” (1999) 24(3) Alternative Law Journal 156

I Freckelton, “A Glimpse of the Future: the Coroners Act 1997 (ACT)” (1998) 6(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 26.

I Freckelton, “Autopsies and Cultural Sensitivities” (1998) 6(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 5

I Freckelton, “Causation in Coronial Law” (1997) 4(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 289-298

7. Tort and Compensation Law

R Scott and I Freckelton, “Vicarious Trauma among Legal Practitioners and Judicial Officers” (2024) 31 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law:

K Wilson and I Freckelton, “Work Stress, Vicarious Trauma and the Public Mental Health Framework (‘PMHF’): Kozarov v Victoria [2022] HCA 12 and its Applications” (2023) 30(3) Journal of Law and Medicine 641-672:

R Scott and I Freckelton, “The Duty of Care to Protect Employees against the Risk of Psychiatric Harm from Vicarious Trauma” (2023) 30(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 358-389:,particular%20circumstances%20of%20the%20case.

I Freckelton, “Vindication of Professional Reputation Arising from Defamatory Online Publications” (2020) 11 Beijing Law Review 382-397,

I Freckelton and T Popa, ” Doctors, Defamation and Damages: Medical Practitioners Fighting Back” (2019) 27 Journal of Law and Medicine 20-28

I Freckelton, “Concussion, Defamation and the Ringside Doctor” (2019) 27 Journal of Law and Medicine 55-65

I Freckelton and T Popa, “Recognisable Psychiatric Injury and Compensability for Pure Mental Harm Claims” (2018) 25 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 641-652

I Freckelton, “Exemplary Damages” (1996) 4(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 103

I Freckelton, “The Duty to Avoid Injury to Oneself and Thereby Psychiatric Injury to Others” (2017) 24 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 802-811

I Freckelton, “Evolution in Psychiatric Injury Law” (2017) Precedent

I Freckelton, “The Right to Sue for Non-Communication or Delay in the Diagnosis of Neurodegenerative Diseases” (2016) 24 Journal of Law and Medicine 271-279

I Freckelton, “Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders and Criminal Injuries Compensation” (2016) 23 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 165-172

I Freckelton and R Scott, “A Psychiatrist’s Duties in Relation to the Risks of Patient Suicide” (2016) 23 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 1-28

I Freckelton, “Legal Liability for Harm for Psychiatrists’ Decisions about  Involuntary Inpatient Status for Mental Health Patients” (2014) 22 Journal of Law and Medicine 280-289

I Freckelton, “Civil Liability of Health Practitioners for their Forensic Work: Further Erosion of the Witness Immunity Rule” (2012) 19(4) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 451-463

I Freckelton and D Mendelson, “Suicide and Tort Law” (2012) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 

I Freckelton, “Actions for Pure Psychiatric Injury after the App Refomrs” (2005) 67 Precedent 4:

I Freckelton, “Mental Harm Claims Against Emergency Services Organisations: An Important Australian Development” (2011) 18 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 163

I Freckelton, “Compensation Against Criminal Offenders” (2009) Law Institute Journal

I Freckelton, “Employers’ Responsibilities for Foreseeable Psychiatric Injuries” (2008) 15(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

I Freckelton“Liability for Failure by Police to Detain Potentially Suicidal and Dangerous Persons” (2008) 15(2)  Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

I Freckelton, “Suing ‘The Welfare’: The Diminishing Immunity for Child Protection Authorities (2007) Journal of Law and Medicine

I Freckelton, “Limitation of Actions for Psychiatric Injuries in Intentional Tort Cases” (2006) 13(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 269

I Freckelton, “Compensability for Psychiatric Injuries” (2005) The Plaintiff

I Freckelton, “Social Security Preclusions in Personal Injury Litigation” (2005) 13(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 5

I Freckelton, “Liability of Psychiatrists for Failure to Certify” (2003) 10(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 397

I Freckelton, “Compensability for Psychiatric Injury” (2001) 9(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 137.

I Freckelton, “Damages for Psychiatric Injury: Setting the Limits” (2000) 7(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law

I Freckelton, “Criminal Injuries Compensation and Public Health” (1999) 7(2)  Journal of Law and Medicine 193

I Freckelton, “Rethinking Compensation to Victims” (1997) Alternative Law Journal

I Freckelton, “The Erosion of Crimes Compensation: Does it Matter?” (1998) 12(2) Liberty

I Freckelton, “Suing the Police: The Moral of the Disappointing Morsel” (1996) 21(4) Alternative Law Journal 173:

8. Civil Procedure

I Freckelton, “Vexatious Litigant Law Reform” (2009) 16 Journal of Law and Medicine 721

9. Criminal Law and Procedure

I Freckelton, “Methamphetamine-induced Psychosis and Mental Impairment: A Challenge from New Zealand” (2019) 27 Journal of Law and Medicine 284-293

I Freckelton, “Children’s Responsibility for Criminal Conduct: The Principle of Doli Incapax under Contemporary Australian Law” (2017) 24 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 793-801,

I Freckelton, “Huntington’s Disease and Fitness to Stand Trial” (2016) 24 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 1-9,

I Freckelton, “Indefinite Detention in Australia: The Ongoing Risk of Governor’s Pleasure Detention” (2014) 21(4) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 469-474,

I Freckelton, “Imprisonment of Australia’s Indigenous Offenders” (2013) 20(6) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 799-811,

I Freckelton, “Mandatory Procedures and Fairness in Mental Impairment Cases” ” (2009) 16 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 191,

I Freckelton, “Failure to Care for a Psychiatrically Ill Child: Provision of Necessaries as a Criminal Offence” (2002) 9(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law:

I Freckelton, “Vicarious Liability and Criminal Prosecutions for Regulatory Offences” (2006) 14 Journal of Law and Medicine 24

I Freckelton, “Criminal Investigation and the Six Hour Rule” (1987) 61 (2) Law Institute Journal 192

I Freckelton, “The Six Hour Rule” (1987) 3 Compak 61

I Freckelton, “The Right to Silence” (1998) Legal Update

I Freckelton, “Delay in Court Proceedings : The Judicial Sanction” (1987) Law Society Journal 32

I Freckelton and A Norman-Green, “Crime in Health Care Facilities: The Dark Figure” (1986) 1 (2) Journal of Health Administration 7

I Freckelton, “Reforming the Jury System” (1986) 11 (3) Legal Service Bulletin 138

I Freckelton, “Narcotics and the Law: Current Developments” (1986) 11 (1) Legal Service Bulletin 36

10. Criminal Law: International

P Chifflet and I Freckelton, “The Mental Health Defence in International Criminal Law: Ramifications from the Ongwen Trial Judgment” (2022) International Criminal Law Review 751-799

I Freckelton, “Blasphemy, Mental Illness and the Potential for Injustice: A Cautionary Tale from Indonesia” (2020) 26 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 169-180,

I Freckelton and P Keyzer, “Fitness to Stand Trial and Disability Discrimination: An International Critique of Australia” (2017) 24 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 770-783,

I Freckelton, “Fitness to Stand Trial in India: The Legacy of Machang Lalang” (2014) 21 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 315-320,

I Freckelton and M Karagiannakis, “Fitness to Stand Trial under International Criminal Law: Legal and Policy Issues” (2014) 12(4) International Journal of Criminal Justice  705-729

I Freckelton and M Karagiannakis, “Fitness to Stand Trial under International Criminal Law: Historical Context” (2014) 21 Journal of Law and Medicine 747-760

I Freckelton and M Karagiannakis, “Fitness to Stand Trial under International Criminal Law: The Ramifications of a Landmark East Timor Decision” (2014) 21(3) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 321-332,

I Freckelton and M Karagiannakis, “Unfitness to Stand Trial in the Extraordinary Chambers of Cambodia” (2014) 21 Journal of Law and Medicine 813-825

I Freckelton and M Karagiannakis, “Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Hospitalisation Syndrome as Potential Aetiologies of Unfitness to Stand Trial: The Gbagbo Decision” (2014) 21 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 645-657,

I Freckelton, “Fitness to Stand Trial: Learning from the Ezra Pound Saga” (2014) 21 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 625-644,

I Freckelton and M Karagiannakis, “Unfitness to Stand Trial: The Authoritative Strugar Decision in the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia” (2014) 21 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 475-485,

I Freckelton, “Mental Illness, Sentencing and Execution in China: The Disturbing Death of an Englishman” (2010) 17(3) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 333,

I Freckelton, “Reform of Insanity Laws Needed in China: Lessons from the Qiu Xinghua Case” (2007) 14 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 1,

I Freckelton, “Rationality and Flexibility in Assessments of Fitness to Stand Trial” (1996) 19(1) International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 39

11. Sentencing

I Freckelton, “Sentencing Offenders with Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD): The Challenge of Effective Management” (2016) 23 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 815-825,

I Freckelton, “Sentencing Stalkers” (2001) 8(3) Journal of Law and Medicine

I Freckelton, “Good Character, Paedophilia and the Purposes of Sentencing” (2001) 8(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 202,

I Freckelton, “Sentencing the Substance Dependent Offender” (1994) 1(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 11,

I Freckelton, “Sentencing of Sex Offenders: A Heterodox View” (1992) Civil Liberty

I Freckelton and A Thacker, “Sentencing: Abolition of Remissions, New Penalties and General Principles” (1991) 65 Law Institute Journal 1032

I Freckelton and A Thacker, “Sentencing: New Options and Changed Dispositions” (1991) 65 Law Institute Journal 1198

12. Police Practices

I Freckelton, “Backwards to the Future: the Bleak Blue Line” (1996) 21(6) Alternative Law Journal 293:

I Freckelton, “Hooding of Suspects: Legality and Redress” (1991) Civil Liberty

I Freckelton, “Fingerprinting and DNA Profiling: the Ultimate Identifiers” (1990) 15 (4) Legal Service Bulletin 172

I Freckelton, “Police Complaints Authority: Shooting the Messenger” (1988) 13 Legal Service Bulletin

I Freckelton, “The Vexatious Complainant” (1988) 11 International Journal of Law and Psychiatry 127

I Freckelton and H Selby, “Police Accountability – How Serious the Commitment?” (1987) 12 (2) Legal Service Bulletin 66

I Freckelton, “Police Statistics and the Media” (1987) 12 Legal Service Bulletin 247

13. Administrative Law

I Freckelton, “Migration Law, the Family Court and Therapeutic Jurisprudence” (2003) 11 Journal of Law and Medicine 133

I Freckelton, “Social Security Law and the Legal Profession” (1990) Law Institute Journal 715

I Freckelton, “Prostitution and the City of Camberwell: the Distribution of Legislative Powers” (1990) 15(3) Legal Service Bulletin 126

I Freckelton, “Clamp Down on Baby Snatching” (1986) 60 (9) Law Institute Journal 840

14. Civil Liberties and Human Rights

I Freckelton, “Spit Hoods: Law and Reforms” (2023) 30(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 507-519

I Freckelton, “Sex Therapy and as a Reasonable and Necessary Support to Persons with a Disability” (2021) 28 Journal of Law and Medicine 323-335

I Freckelton, “Parents’ Opposition to Potentially Life-Saving Treatment for Minors: Learning from the Oshin Kiszko Litigation” (2016) 24(1) Journal of Law and Medicine 61-71

I Freckelton, “Offenders with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Sentencing Challenges after the Abolition of Execution in the United States” (2016) 23 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 321-335,

I Freckelton and S McGregor, “Refusal of Potentially Life-Saving Treatment for Minors: The Emerging International Consensus by Courts” (2016) 23 Journal of Law and Medicine 813-835

I Freckelton,”Cruel and Unusual Punishment of Prisoners with Mental Illnesses: From Oates to Plata” (2011) 18(3) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 329,

I Freckelton and S McGregor, “Human Rights and the Review of Persons with Mental Illnesses” (2010) 17(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 173,

I Freckelton and P Keyzer, “Indefinite Detention and Human Rights: The Intervention of the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations”  (2010) 17(3) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 345,

I Freckelton, “Sterilisation of Intellectually Disabled Minors” (2007) 14 Journal of Law and Medicine

I Freckelton, “The Quarter of a Century Anniversary” (1999) Alternative Law Journal,

I Freckelton, “Civil Libertarianism: Challenges and Opportunities” (1999) 24(3) Alternative Law Journal 132:

I Freckelton and B McSherry, “The Model Forensic Procedures Bill” (1996) 12(1) Liberty 89

I Freckelton, “Censorship and Vilification Legislation” (1994) 1(1) Australian Journal of Human Rights 327:

I Freckelton, “Law and Order Developments in Victoria” (1993) 18(3) Alternative Law Journal

I Freckelton and Beth Wilson,”Time For a Change” (1992) 17(1) Alternative Law Journal 2:

I Freckelton, “Intimate Body Sampling: A New Erosion of Civil Liberties” (1989) 5 (3) Civil Liberty 3

I Freckelton, “The Power to Fingerprint: Victorian Developments” (May 1990) Civil Liberty

I Freckelton, “The New Fingerprinting and Intimate Body Sampling Powers in Practice” (August 1990) 6(2) Civil Liberty 7

15. Privacy Law

I Freckelton, “Teachers, School Counsellors and the Law” (1984) 14 (4) Independent Education 29

I Freckelton, “Therapy, Confidentiality and Privileged Communications” (1984) Connexions 1

I Freckelton, “Family Planning Centres, Sex Therapists and the Courts” (1984) 3 (4) Healthright 25

I Freckelton, “Youth Workers and Confidentiality” (1984) 1 (4) Action for Children Journal 9

16. Family and Children’s Law

I Freckelton, “COVID-19 and Family Law Decision-Making” (2020) 27(4) Journal of Law and Medicine 846

I Freckelton, “Family Law Disputation and the Prediction of Children’s Safety” (1995) 2(2) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 139

I Freckelton, “The Position of Women Under Roman Law” (1983) 9 Classicum 35

I Freckelton, “The Jurisdiction of the Family Court over Third Parties” (1982) 9 Sydney Law Review 688

17. Advocacy and Legal Practice

I Freckelton, “Appellate Litigation in the Aftermath of the Pell Decision” (2020) 158 Precedent 2; [2020]

PrecedentAULA 2

18. Historical

I Freckelton, “The 1628 Vasa Inquest in Sweden: Learning Contemporary Lessons for Effective Death Investigation” (2018) 26 Journal of Law and Medicine 285-299

I Freckelton, “Litigation, Art and Therapeutic Jurisprudence: The Travails of William Dobell” (2015) 22(2)  Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 161-171,

I Freckelton, “The Deaths of King Ludwig II of Bavaria and of his Psychiatrist, Professor von Gudden: Warnings from the Nineteenth Century” (2012) 19 Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 1-11,

I Freckelton, “A Mentally Ill Judge, Involuntary Detention and An Application for Tutelage Messages for Today  from the Notorious Schreber Case” (2001) 8(1) Psychiatry, Psychology and Law 118,

19. Media Law

I Freckelton, “Constabulary in Contempt: Parts One and Two” (1991) 16 (3) and 16 (4) Legal Service Bulletin 144

I Freckelton, “Pleading Imputations in Defamation Cases (1989) 10 Gazette of Law and Journalism

I Freckelton, “The Sub Judice Rule and Live To Air Television” (1988) 9 Gazette of Law and Journalism 10

I Freckelton, “Identification of an Accused by a Contemptuous Publication” (1988) 9 Gazette of Law and Journalism 12

I Freckelton, “The Decline of Criminal Libel” (1988) 9 Gazette of Law and Journalism 5

I Freckelton, “The Sticky Wicket of Libel and Contempt” (1987) 4 Gazette of Law and Journalism 13

I Freckelton, “Liability of Third Parties for Contempt” (1987) 5 Gazette of Law and Journalism 11

I Freckelton, “Contempt and the Age Tapes: The role of the DPP in Contempt Proceedings” (1987) 5 Gazette of Law and Journalism 15

I Freckelton, “The Waterhouse Case: An Opportunity Missed” (1987) 4 Gazette of Law and Journalism 8

I Freckelton, “Sub Judice Law: Victorian Style” (1987) 5 Gazette of Law and Journalism 8

I Freckelton, “Contempt and Failed Prophylaxis” (1987) 6 Gazette of Law and Journalism 8

I Freckelton, “Suppression Orders: The South Australian Experience” (1987) 7 Gazette of Law and Journalism 10

I Freckelton, “A Martyr for Free Speech?”: The Derryn Hinch Case” (1986) 2 Gazette of Law and Journalism

I Freckelton, “Derryn Hinch: Hero or Villain?” (1986) 11 (4) Legal Service Bulletin

20. Case Notes

I Freckelton, Shakoor v Situ (2003) 10(3) Journal of Law and Medicine

I Freckelton, Ex parte Porteous (2003) In-quest

I Freckelton, Pretty v DPP (2002) 9(2) Journal of Law and Medicine 275

I Freckelton, Drake v Pontefract Health Authority (2001) 9(1) Journal of Law and Medicine

I Freckelton, Rajan v General Medical Council (2001) 9(1) Journal of Law and Medicine

I Freckelton, Keown v Khan (1998) 6(1) Journal of Law and Medicine

I Freckelton, Hards, Budds and Elliott (1997) 4(4) Journal of Law and Medicine

21. Forewords

To Paula Hoctor and Michael Robertson, Workplace Investigations (Lexis Nexis, 2018)

To Simon Bronitt and Patricia Easteal, Rape Law in Context (The Federation Press, 2018)

To Sonia Allan, Donor Conception and the Search for Information   (Routledge, 2016)

To Andrew Ross (et al), A Year in Review (Korda Mentha, 2014)

To Rosemary Kennedy, Breach of Duty of Care (Cambridge Uni Press, 2009)

To Dale Nelson, Blood From Stone.  (Welfare Rights Unit) 2003.

To Cara and Clive Beed, Paradox: Secrecy, Abuse, Churches, 1998


Response to Levy & Gadd (“Homoeopathy and the Law”): (2012) 19 Journal of Law and Medicine 704