I Freckelton, L Smith, S Broomhead and M Adams, Medicinal Cannabis (11 March 2015) VLRC Issues Paper, Melbourne: http://www.lawreform.vic.gov.au/sites/default/files/VLRC_Cannabis_Issues_Paper.pdf
I Freckelton, Advanced Practice in Radiography and Radiation Therapy, AIR, Melbourne, April 2012: http://www.google.com.au/#hl=en;sclient=psy-ab;q=freckelton+radiography;oq=freckelton+radiography;aq=f;aqi=;aql=;gs_l=hp.3…1514.4902.0.5251.…0.0.r3xQ84O7uc4;pbx=1;bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb;fp=6ce0d0c95ba10a6a;biw=1155;bih=827
I Freckelton, Opinion Evidence, ALRC Evidence RP 13, 1983
I Freckelton, Privilege, ALRC Evidence RP 16, Sydney, 1983
I Freckelton, Alibi Evidence, ALRC Evidence WP1, Sydney, 1984
I Freckelton, Prejudicial Publicity and the Courts, ALRC Contempt RP 4, Sydney, 1986
I Freckelton, Victims of Sexual Assault and the Police, PCA DP 1, Melbourne, 1988
I Freckelton, P Reddy and H Selby, Australian Judicial Perspectives on Expert Evidence: An Empirical Study, Australian Institute of Judicial Administration, Melbourne, 1999
I Freckelton, P Reddy and H Selby, Australian Magistrates: Perspectives on Expert Evidence: A Comparative Study, Australian Institute of Judicial Administration, Melbourne, 2001
I Freckelton, DNA Profiling: Collection, Use and Liberties: Issues Paper, Vic Parliament Law Reform Committee, Melbourne, 2002
I Freckelton, Vexatious Litigants: A Report on Consultation with Judicial Officers and VCAT Members, Vic Parliament Law Reform Committee, Melbourne, 2008: http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/LAWREFORM/inquiries/Vexatious%20Litigants/Judicial%20Officer%20VCAT%20Member%20report.pdf
I Freckelton, Vexatious Litigants: A Report on Consultation with Court and VCAT Staff, Vic Parliament Law Reform Committee, Melbourne, 2008: http://www.parliament.vic.gov.au/LAWREFORM/inquiries/Vexatious%20Litigants/Court%20VCAT%20staff%20report.pdf
D Greig and I Freckelton (ed), International Perspectives on Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, ANZAPPL, Melbourne, 1989.
D Greig and I Freckelton (ed), Emerging Issues for the 90s in Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, ANZAPPL, Melbourne, 1990
I Freckelton, D Greig and M McMahon (ed) The Patient, the Law and the Professional in Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, ANZAPPL, Melbourne, 1991
I Freckelton, A Knowles and J Mulvany (ed), Forensic Issues in Mental Health, ANZAPPL, Melbourne, 1992
I Freckelton,, A Knowles and J Mulvany (ed), Current Controversies in Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, ANZAPPL, Melbourne, 1993
I Freckelton,”Crime and Morale in Health Care Facilities” in E Berah & D Greig (ed), Professional Responsibility in Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, ANZAPPL, Melbourne 1987
I Freckelton,”Querulent Paranoia and the Vexatious Complainant” in E Berah & D Greig (ed), Community Issues in Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, ANZAPPL, Melbourne, 1988.
I Freckelton,”DNA Profiling: Forensic Science Under the Microscope” in J Vernon and B Selinger (ed), DNA and Criminal Justice, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, 1990.
I Freckelton,”Current Issues in Forensic Psychiatry” in H Strang and S Gerull (ed), Homicide: Patterns, Prevention and Control, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, 1993
I Freckelton,”Forensic Issues in Codes of Ethics” in I Freckelton, A Knowles and J Mulvany (ed), Current Issues in Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, ANZAPPL, Melbourne, 1993
I Freckelton, “The Syndrome Fallacy” in I Freckelton, A Knowles and J Mulvany (ed), Current Issues in Forensic Psychiatry and Psychology, ANZAPPL, Melbourne, 1993.
I Freckelton, “The Forensic Abuse Syndrome” in J Vernon, Law, Medicine and Criminal Justice, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, 1993.
I Freckelton, “Motor Vehicle Accidents: Reconstruction and Expert Evidence” in RH Grzebieta, R de Forest and G Rechnitzer, Vehicle Accidents, Monash University, Melbourne, 1996.
I Freckelton, “Balancing Victims’ Rights and Needs” in Victorian Community Against Violence, Bringing It Together: A Victim Support Strategy, VCAV, Melbourne, 1995
I Freckelton, “Forensic Science in the Adversary System: A Commentary” in National Institute of Forensic Science, Forensic Science Summit, VIFP, Melbourne, 1995
I Freckelton,”Repressed Memory Syndrome: Myth Dispelling or Mythologising?” in Proceedings of 29th Australian Legal Convention, Law Council of Australia, Canberra, 1995
I Freckelton, “Criminal Injuries Compensation for Domestic Sexual Assault: Obstructing the Oppressed” in C Sumner et al (ed), Victimology, Australian Institute of Criminology, Canberra, 1996
I Freckelton, “Wizards in the Crucible: Making the Boffins Accountable” in JF Nijboer and JM Reijntjes (ed), Proceedings of the First World Conference on Criminal Investigation and Evidence, Koninklijke Vermande,The Hague, 1996
I Freckelton, “Legal Issues and New Pharmacotherapies” in Turning Point, Report, Vic Govt Printer, Melbourne, 1997.
I Freckelton, “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and the Law: The Need for Expert Witness Accountability”, Leo Cussen Publications, Melbourne, 1997
I Freckelton, “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: Challenges for Public and Private Health Law” in AIHLE, Public Health and Private Risk, Canberra, 1998.
I Freckelton, “Psychopathy and the Law”, Institute of Public Affairs, Melbourne, 1998
I Freckelton, “Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Legal Decision-Making about Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment: An Analysis of Victorian Practice”, Proceedings of THEMHS Conference, Hobart, 1998, published 1999
I Freckelton, “Latest Developments in Expert Evidence Law”, Proceedings of the 1999 APLA Conference, Sydney, 1999
I Freckelton, “Error in Forensic Science: the Case for External Oversight” in H Nijboer (ed), Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Criminal Investigation and Evidence, Amsterdam, 2000
I Freckelton, “Expert Evidence” 2 Australian Empirical Studies” in H Nijboer (ed), Proceedings of the 2nd World Conference on Criminal Investigation and Evidence, Amsterdam, 2000
I Freckelton, “Negligent Advice: in Defence of Gaudron J”, Proceedings of the 1999 Australian Institute of Health Law and Ethics Conference
I Freckelton, “Latest Developments in Expert Evidence Law” in A Kapardis (ed), Proceedings of the 2000 European Association of Psychology and Law Conference, Cyprus, 2000
I Freckelton, “Sentencing Stalkers”, Proceedings of 2000 Australian Institute of Criminology Conference
I Freckelton, “Proof of Causation”, Proceedings of International Institute of Forensic Studies Conference, 2002.
I Freckelton, “Compensability of Psychiatric Injuries”, Proceedings of 2002 APLA Conference, Melbourne, 2002
I Freckelton and D List, “Therapeutic Jurisprudence and Regulation of Psychologists”, Proceedings of 2004 IAMRA conference.
I Freckelton, “Regulation of Health Practitioners: Public and Private Issues”, Proceedings of The Greek Conference, 2004.
I Freckelton, “Death in Corfu: Coronial Law Reform”, Proceedings of the 2009 Greek-Australian Medico-Legal Conference, 2010.
I Freckelton, “The Long and Winding Road Back Toward Re-integration in the Community: An Analysis of Revocations of Supervisory Status of Persons Found Not Guilty by the Victorian Supreme Court by Reason of Mental Impairment” AIJA Proceedings of 2010 Mental Health Conference: http://www.aija.org.au/Mental%20Health%202010/Presentations/Freckelton.pdf, 2010