Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police v Chairperson of the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants [2020] VSCA 214 (jurisdictional error, procedural fairness, irrationality):
Marin v Chiropractic Board of Australia [2015] SAHPT 1; [2015] SADC 119
Judicial Inquiries/Royal Commission
Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police v Chairperson of the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants [2020] VSCA 214 (jurisdictional error, procedural fairness, irrationality)
Chairperson of the Royal Commission into the Management of Police Informants v Chief Commissioner of Victoria Police [2019] VSCA 154
Morris v Medical Board of Australia [2021] VCAT 548 (application for review of immediate action, serious risk, need for immediate action, Tribunal discretion) (medical – errors, judgment performance)
Inquest into the Death of Roehnfelds (NT Coroners Court):
Victoria Police Special Operations Group Operators v Coroners Court of Victoria [2013] VSC 246 (natural justice)
Evans v Northern Territory Coroner [2011] NTSC 100; (2011) 214 A Crim R 444 (autopsies)
Khan v Keown [2001] VSCA 137 (with Hore-Lacy AO KC) (cause of death)
Barrett v Coroner’s Court of South Australia [2010] SASCFC 70; (2010) 211 A Crim R 1 (scope of coroner’s jurisdiction)
Militano v State Coroner [1992] VicSC 675; [1993] MC (Vic) 72 (Coronial findings)
Kahn v West [2002] VSC 227
Khan v West [1999] VSC 530
Kew Cottages Inquests (Vic Coroner’s Court)
Multiple prison, police shooting, workplace, transport and hospital inquests
Higgs v The Queen [2021] VSCA 301 (document production, legitimate forensic purpose)
Ireland v Dunne [2021] FCA 245 (extradition)
Chairperson of the Royal Commission into the management of Police Informants v DPP [2020] VSCA 184 (suppression orders)
Orman v The Queen [2019] VSCA 163 (miscarriage of justice)
DPP v DJD [2017] VSC 776 (detention order)
Richards v The Queen (No 2) [2017] VSCA 174
State of NSW v Kamm [2016] NSWSC1 (final extended supervision order)
State of NSW v Kamm [2015] NSWSC 1492 (interim extended supervision order)
NOM v DPP [2012] VSCA 198 (mental impairment)
Re SDK [2009] VSC 363 (mental impairment)
DPP v Daniel [2008] VSCA 76 (sentencing)
DPP v Fodero [2008] VSC 46; (2008) 18 VR 606 (charge sheets and summonses)
R v Oznek [2007] VSC 192 (manslaughter sentencing)
R v Lane (2007) 176 A Crim R 471; [2007] VSCA 222 (illness of offender)
Leach v The Queen [2005] NTCCA 18; [2007] HCA 3; (2007) 81 ALJR 598 (natural justice)
Cherry v The Queen (2005) 12 VR 122; [2005] VSCA 89 (challenges)
The Queen v Heaft (2004) 87 SASR 496; SASC 37 (sex offending)
Harland-White v Gibbs [1993] 2 VR 215; Vic Rp 70 (procedure)
R v Smith [2002] VSCA 219 (expert evidence)
Juric v The Queen [2002] 4 VR 411; (2002) 129 A Crim R 408 (DNA evidence)
DPP v Riddle [2002] VSCA 153 (sex offending)
RDM v Director of Public Prosecutions [1999] 2 VR 270 (mental impairment)
R v Tarr [1999] VSCA 61 (sentencing)
In the Matters of Major Reviews of Percy, Farrell and RJO (1998) 102 A Crim R 554 (mental impairment)
In the matter of s35 Crimes (Mental Impairment and Unfitness to be Tried Act) 1997 ; In the matter of a major review of: R J O [1998] VSC 85 (mental impairment)
Musson v R [1997] 1 VR 656; (1996) 86 A Crim R 561 (culpable driving)
Shea v Jones [1995] VSC 17; [1995] VICSC 17 (driving)
R (A Child) v Whitty (1993) 66 A Crim R 462 (doli incapax)
Townsend v The Queen (1992) 59 A Crim R 244
Redl v Toppin [1992] Vic SC185; [1993] Vic SC 159 [1992] MC 169 (costs)
Latoudis v Casey [1990] HCA 59; (1990) 170 CLR 534 (with Black AO KC) (costs against police)
Crimes Compensation/s85B Applications
RK v Mirik and Mirik [2009] VSC 14; (2008) 21 VR 623
Bakic v Yamasa Seafood Australia Pty Ltd [2003] VSC 309
R v Scarborough [2000] VSC 255
S v Crimes Compensation Tribunal [1998] 1 VR 83
Field v Crimes Compensation Tribunal (1998) 12 VAR
Hards, Budds & Elliott v Crimes CompensationTribunal [1997] 1 VR 608; (1997) 89 A Crim R 97; 11 VAR 95 (with Goldberg AO KC)
Powley v Crimes Compensation Tribunal (1996) 11 VAR 146
Re L and Crimes Compensation Tribunal (1996)10 VAR 325
Martin v Crimes Compensation Tribunal (1994) 8 VAR 39
Tort, Personal Injury, Transport Accident, and Worker’s Compensation
Mullett v Nixon [2022] VSCA 174 (fresh evidence, misfeasance in public office, malicious prosecution) (H CT special leave application refused: [2022] HCASL 213)
Moore v Escott [2022] VSC 353 (I’Meara J) (limitation of actions)
Shahid v Alpha Trading Pty Ltd [2021] VSC 551 (O’Meara J)(transport accident, duty of care, breach, foreseeability)
JCB v Bird [2019] VSC 348 (Legal Identity of Defendants) Organisational Child Abuse) Act 2018, joinder of non-government organisation, abuse by priests)
Ahmed v Transport Accident Commission [2019] VCC 25 (serious injury, spine and psychiatric injuries)
Grant v Director of Housing [2018] VCC 2065 (application for summary judgment, tortious responsibility of landlords)
P1 v Trustees of the Christian Brothers [2017] VSC (amendment of statement of claim)
Coates Hire Ltd v TAC [2015] VCAT270 (registration charges)
Steen v VWA [2014] VSCA 299 (natural justice)
Kaur v VWA [2014] VSCA 300 (judicial notice)
VWA v Elsdon [2013] VSCA 235 (expert evidence, AMA Guides)
Elsdon v VWA [2012] VSC 347 (AMA Guides)
Transport Accident Commission v Kutz [2011] VSC 236 (AMA Guides)
Dawson v Transport Accident Commission [2010] VCAT 644 (Charter)
Rekatsinas v Transport Accident Commission [2010] VCAT 967 (Charter)
Serwylo v Transport Accident Commission [2010] VSC 421 (affirmed by Ct of App: [2011] VSCA 305) (AMA Guides)
Transport Accident Commission v Elworthy [2007] VSC48
Sleep v Transport Accident Commission [2004] VCAT 6
Taylor v Mountain Pine Furniture [2004] VSC 324 (with O’Loghlen AO KC)
McRitchie v Transport Accident Commission [2000] VSC 151; (2001) 17 VAR 347 (with Rush AO KC)
Commisso v Transport Accident Commission [2000]VCAT 1916
Bentley v Furlan [1999] 3 VR 63
Mobilio v Transport Accident Commission [1998] 3 VR 833 (with Uren AO KC)
Transport Accident Commission v Lake (1997) 11 VAR 260; (1998) 1 VR 616 (with Uren AO KC)
Transport Accident Commission v Dennis (1997) 25 MVR 421; (1998) 1 VR 702 (with Uren AO KC)
Medical Negligence and Discrimination
Bashour v ANZ Bank [2022] VSC 252 (discovery, human rights)
Edwards v Kennedy [2009] VSC 74 (limitation periods)
Odisho v Bonazzi [2014] VSCA 11 (obligation to warn & causation)
TSH v Department of Families, Fairness and Housing [2022] VSC 390 (Tsalamandris J)
Sani v Secretary of the Department of Families, Fairness & Housing [2022] VSC 276 (interim accommodation order – basis for dismissal of appeal) (Gorton J)
Maher v Secretary to the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing [2021] VSC 747 (interim accommodation order – kinship – risks) (Gorton J)
SL v Department of Families, Fairness and Housing [2021] VSC 523 (O’Meara J) (issue estoppel, Children’s Court)
Re XXXX [2021] FamCA (gender dysphoria, parental opposition, Gillick competence)
BB vSecretary, Department of Health and Human Services [2020] VSC (McMillan J) (procedural fairness)
AA v Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services [2020] VSC 400 (Incerti J) (jurisdictional error)
Secretary, Department of Health and Human Services v Brown [2018] VSC 775 (Beach JA) (family reunification order, physical abuse)