The Supreme Court has original and appellate jurisdiction. Appeals from the Nauru Supreme Court went to the Australian High Court until March 2018. In May 2018 Nauru established a Court of Appeal.
The Honourable Justice Freckelton sits principally on administrative law cases, especially on appeals from the Nauru Refugee Review Status Tribunal which was established after Nauru acceded in 2011 to the United Nations Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.
The decisions of the Nauru Supreme Court are reported on
Justice Freckelton’s judicial appointment in Nauru was part-time and extra-territorial – on a fly-in fly-out basis, permitting him to continue his practice as a Queen’s Counsel in Australia.
Judgments delivered by Justice Freckelton include:
Justice Freckelton’s Associate between 2017 and 2019 was Esther Pearson.